What is CRO?
CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of adjusting your website and the content within to generate greater conversion from the traffic already landing on it.
Why Cro Is Important
Some companies decide to start doing CRO and also some companies simply don’t. Regardless, in most cases, the companies fail to realize the true potential of CRO.
Starting with the most obvious one, CRO gets you more customers and that too, free! From a rational perspective, as a business owner, you would want more customers without having to spend a huge ton on advertising. If you can double your conversion rate, you double your revenue. Even small increments in CRO can call for a celebration at times.
Doubling your CRO doesn’t mean you also double the related cost and expenses. That subsequently results in a disproportionate increase in profit (profoundly at times). The effect can even be greater as for some companies, slight increases in conversion rate are the thin line between suffering a loss and making a profit.
As a business owner, you’d want to enhance reach as much as possible. From startups to small-to-medium-sized businesses, in most cases, CRO is the acting intermediary that paves the way to start advertising profitably. Companies are aware that CRO allows their clients to increase their ad spends resulting in profit generation. Accurately combining CRO and traffic buying lets you outline your business from the cloud of market competitors.
The mentioned advantages of CRO snowball and results in ultimate success. The Power Law of CRO states that your profit has a power-law relationship with your conversion rate. That is, your acquired profit is equal to your conversion rate to the power of any number (can be square, cube, etc). So, it is as clear as day how your profits can be affected by the slightest increase in conversion rates.

Why Most Web Design Is Wrong
Being aware of the aptitude and significance of CRO is very important. But certainly, it is not enough. You have to very crucially work on designing the web pages. Even if your company has prior experience in this field, it might take you to hire external parties at times for better results. Many companies like yours worldwide have already adapted to the practices relating to this field. But the question here is, “Are they doing it right?” The answer sadly is NO. Here’s what they are doing wrong-
Most companies often focus on visuals rather than the practical potential. You have to understand the psychology of your customers. If their expectation is an accurately functional web interface to ease their experience, you have to provide them with exactly that. Just a colorful and aesthetically pleasing setup won’t fly well. When a company sets up its web design, it usually leaves it off there and focuses elsewhere. This is usually where the blunder initiates. After designing websites, companies require carrying out experiments on them. It is very important to measure the effects of changes using viable experimental techniques. Most web designs end on the wrong note since they are not updated as frequently as it takes for them to be a success. Required parts are hardly improved with specificity. Instead, companies go ahead and take measures for complete page redesigns or website redesigns.
Revenue Calculation
As mentioned earlier, doubling the conversion rate results in twice the amount of revenue. Now let’s have a more detailed look into the calculation.
Your Revenue or Return on Investment (ROI) is equal to,
- Your total number of visitors multiplied by..
- Your conversion rate (the percentage of your visitors that actually turns into customers) multiplied by..
- The lifetime customer spend (the amount spent by each of the visitors with you)
Presenting that in the form of an equation, we get,
Here we are saying ‘’double’’ to make the examples easy for your better understanding. But when you practically implement them you will see that even a small increase can result in upscaling your revenue.
Moreover, your profit margin is even more sensitive to your conversion rate than your revenue is. Your profit is your revenue minus all your costs. Let’s have a look at the equation:
By now you should have a clearer idea of why we mentioned earlier that a small increase in conversion rate can mean the difference between your business enduring a loss and making a profit.
The Cro Mindset
Usually, CROs are intended for establishing the aimed growth by means of optimizing a site. To achieve that goal, you need to know how to leverage Conversion Rate Optimization. The sole purpose of CRO is not to drive new customers, but also to build a company foundation to enjoy a particular ‘lifestyle’ at the company level.
One of the key understandings in this regard is, CRO makes way for small steps towards improvement or profit. You cannot certainly demand towering numbers in a very short time. It also requires you to make peace with the concept of failure at times. You have to embrace such outcomes considering them as lessons of a test gone wrong.

Communication Design With Customers
Problems related to conversion and the required solutions work like lock and key. You need to acknowledge your visitors’ or customers’ questions and queries and come up with reassuring answers.
For example, your company has come up with a new product. Your target customers might have the following questions in mind:
When you are coming up with a new product, your target customer may not be aware of what the product is about. So the question “What does it do?” is very easy to raise. Once they get familiar with the concept of your product, they might not realize if it is of any use to them. That leads to the question “Why might we need it?”
After learning more about your market offering, they can question you “Why should we be convinced that your product will do what it claims to do?” Even though we are living in the era of technology, not all market segments are confident about its usage. “Is the product compatible with our existing technology?” is usually the question that comes up in such cases. It is needless to say that “Is it too expensive?” is a customer question that almost every business is familiar with. Instead of doing well, your company might not be the center of attention in its industry. In that case, “Why have we never heard of the company?” is the thought that comes up in the customers’ minds. Not least, your customers can come up with one of the most important questions – “Why should we trust you?” If you don’t know what your product does, you will not be able to cater to your target customers effectively. In this case, would a guarantee simply help? NO! Then a lower price should help instead, right? NO again. Would testimonials do the work? Once again, the answer is a big NO. The only thing that could advance towards the solution is an explanation of what your product specifically does. So you can see that the problem is like a lock, and the solution is like a key. If you want to get right to the point, you can say that for each objection, you need to display a clear counter objection.
Most marketers nowadays know some conversion mechanisms, but very few actually understand their functions. They eventually come up with ‘’best practices’’ that are far from best. For building a concrete communication design with your customers, you must create funnels that counter each objection at the exact moment that they are thinking of. Try to find out the exact reasons why your visitors are not converting instead of guessing them. Only if there were enough ways for doing so…
Diagnosis, Improve, Iteration
When there is a problem with your health, do you try to diagnose and identify the problem or do you straight off start gulping pills?
In case of a problem regarding a website, you need to follow some basic flowcharts as well. Most web marketers jam their web pages with every possible remedy without identifying the core issue. As a result, the cluttered website converts no better or even worse than the previous state. When visitors object, their objection centers around specific flaws. You need to address those problems and take the necessary steps to overcome them.
For effective conversion, specific systems can play significant roles. If you are not already familiar with the term DiPS- it stands for Diagnose-Problem-Solution. The DiPS system deals with diagnosing or identifying core issues and subsequently coming up with appropriate solutions. For the implementation of DiPS, you need to carry out adequate research to diagnose your website’s specific problems. Understanding viewers’ psychology and their interaction methods with websites are to be considered as well.
Every aspect (image, word, insertions, etc) of a website serves a purpose. Usually, these are intended to create certain thoughts in the visitors’ mind which drives closer to taking action. So, when there are objections concerning any part, the problem is to be particularly identified and addressed. After making necessary improvements to those parts, the cycle continues.

Cro Measurement Tools
When you have a website out there, you really need to understand your visitors. That includes knowing what makes them click, stops them from clicking more often, what you can do to make them take action, and so on.
More importantly, you have to be aware of the reasons that cause them to leave without buying. Since the non-converting visitors are mostly traceless, capturing their voice is quite difficult. This is where the CRO measurement tools come in handy.
Broad Overview Of Tool Groups
Broad Overview Of Tool Groups
Tag Manager- This tool helps you to activate, manage and deactivate tags without asking for help from your IT department each time. When you don’t have enough IT skills or IT permissions, this tool is your go-to because tag management solutions provide easy-to-use interfaces for you. Web Analytics- The tool allows you to track where your visitors came from and what links they clicked on. You will find this tool most useful during the early or initial stages of a project. It will help you identify the high-traffic flows that lead to successful conversions. Click Maps- You can use this tool to see exactly where visitors clicked- that doesn’t necessarily have to be a link! Click mapping software very accurately shows you where and on which parts of your website your visitors clicked on. The tools help you find out things that are getting clicked but are not clickable, which parts of the pages are getting more attention, which links the visitors clicked on etc. Recording Tools- It helps you see videos of visitors’ screens and more. You get familiar with the ways your visitors use websites, see errors, analyze funnels and see scroll maps. Form-Analytics- The software allows you to scrutinize how people are interacting with your forms. This is a very important tool because visitors who interact with forms are prospective convertors. If you can find out why they bail, you can unbolt great profits and this is when this tool comes to your help. Live Chat- The tool lets your visitors tell you what’s wrong with your pages. You get to find the problems that visitors are facing (regarding pages, products, services, etc.), and also what questions, concerns, and objections they have. Finally, you can examine which of your answers, reassurances, and counter objections have succeeded to persuade visitors to take further action. Co-browsing- This is how your visitors can share their screens with you. It tends to be useful when you struggle to point out what your visitors are seeing. Survey Tools- With the help of this tool, you can ask your visitors and customers what you want to know. Surveying tools are extremely powerful since your customers might know the answers to a surprising number of your marketing questions. More importantly, you can present questions in front of your noncustomers as well. They are the ones you are trying to convert after all! Exit Survey Tools- You can use this tool to ask your visitors why they didn’t take particular actions. If you aim for the segmentation of your visitors, exit survey tools can do it for you. On-page Survey Tools- Asking questions is hardly enough. You have to do it at the right time. This particular tool will help you ask questions at exactly the right moment. It will further guide you when you want to decide what type of response you want, who will participate, and also receive email notifications of responses. “Give Feedback” button- As the name itself suggests, it allows your visitors to report their issues to you. The tool is very simple yet can be very effective. Website’s Search Tool- The tool assists you to discover what your visitors cannot otherwise find. Besides that, it further provides you with additional information about how to improve your website. Search Engines- This is the tool for you to be notified when people say things about you. Search engines track mentions in real-time and thus, allow you to explore what people are saying about you and your website (on blogs, forums, social media, and other digital platforms).
Brief Overview Of Related Methods And Techniques
Besides the CRO measurement tools, there are some other methods and techniques that are significantly contributing as well.
Treating with Empathy- When you are dealing with your visitors, it is very necessary that they feel empathized. This can take a business-customer relationship a long way. Method Marketing- What better way to understand a customer than walking in his/her shoes? This technique allows you to become a customer and understand at least an individual customer deeply. Running User Tests- Such tests helps you identify your pages’ shortcomings firsthand. Using A/B Testing- You might not come up with the best outcome on the first try. So, you can test different versions of your web pages to determine the best one. Analyzing your Competitors- The business world is very dynamic. You have to be aware of your market offerings as well as your competitors’. There are fewer chances of your business to profit if your existing competitors have come up with a better USP (Unique Selling Proposition). So, you must analyze what they have learned about their visitors. These are the methods and techniques under the limelight for serving success to websites. There are innumerable others that have proved successful as well.

Making Cro Work
Here is a list of some of the tools for CRO measurement-
As a business owner, it is okay for you to obsess over the amount of traffic directed to your online sites. Site traffic is indeed very important. But you have to understand that whether you’re just starting a business, writing a business plan, or trying to grow an existing one, traffic alone is not enough. Your website has just a few seconds to convince a visitor that you can offer effective solutions to their particular problems. To make CRO work, here are some ideas that have proved worthy- Make websites user-friendly- If you want people to use your site, you have to make it easy to use. If your site takes a toll on the visitors’ patience level instead of being user-friendly, you are doing your business more harm than good. According to research findings, about 88% of Americans have negative feelings about brand experiences with poorly performing websites.
As a business owner, it is okay for you to obsess over the amount of traffic directed to your online sites. Site traffic is indeed very important. But you have to understand that whether you’re just starting a business, writing a business plan, or trying to grow an existing one, traffic alone is not enough. Your website has just a few seconds to convince a visitor that you can offer effective solutions to their particular problems. To make CRO work, here are some ideas that have proved worthy- Make websites user-friendly- If you want people to use your site, you have to make it easy to use. If your site takes a toll on the visitors’ patience level instead of being user-friendly, you are doing your business more harm than good. According to research findings, about 88% of Americans have negative feelings about brand experiences with poorly performing websites.
Watch a lot of user tests Watch eye-tracking sessions Learn about the user-interface elements that are at your disposal Gather knowledge about the most important concepts of usability Get familiar with the usage of tools for wireframing and prototyping (this helps to user test your designs before they get coded up) Learn to use design-feedback tools (makes it easier to test your designs) Give people what they want- You would certainly not want your visitors to leave your website before taking any action. In most cases, they leave because they cannot find what they want. Maybe you’re not even offering what they want. If your company aims to become the dominant player in its industry, it most certainly has to satisfy as many of its visitors’ intentions as possible. And if it doesn’t, another rival business might make the best out of this opportunity by capturing those economies of scale, and push your company out. Ensure trustworthy visitor experience- If you find your visitors wary, you require to make your website a powerhouse of credibility and proof. At times, visitors don’t proceed because they are not convinced enough that your company is any good. This usually results when your website lacks relevant trust signals. So, you must adopt effective ways to prove your company’s credibility (and sales). Come up with irresistible offers- You must succeed in making your visitors aware of your value proposition (value proposition is the benefits of your product or service minus its costs). But even after that, they may be turned off by the way the value is packaged and presented to them. Examples of irresistible offers include free initial purchase, free trial, initial discount, multibuy deals, installment offers, etc. Some other related concepts are Upsell & Cross-sell, Addition of premiums (free gifts) and incentives, Versioning (offering different prices for different people), Price testing, and so on. By effective communication and positioning of these offers, the attention of the visitors can be grabbed and the website can sail off towards success.